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Our PTSA is dedicated to the HEALTH, WELL-BEING, and EDUCATIONAL SUCCESS of the students attending Los Altos High School.

OUR PURPOSE is to support LAHS by:

  • Encourage parent involvement
  • Provide programs to enrich the school experience for students
  • Support teachers
  • Communicate pertinent school information
  • Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in all activities
Student Support
  • Provide grants for student clubs
  • Sponsor special academic weeks (such as STEAM & Writer’s Weeks) 
  • Supplement school library funds
  • Provide licensing fees for 
  • Support student programs: freshman orientation, homecoming brunch, and senior grad night
  • Daily organizers for 9th graders
Staff Support
  • Provide funds for teacher training
  • Support Wholistic Teacher Awards
  • Sponsor staff appreciation events 
Parent Education
  • Facilitate and help fund LAMV PTA Council parent education programs
  • Continue to increase PTSA membership and participation
  • Communicate PTSA information through the school website, Parent Square, and social media
School Support
  • Provide funds and volunteers to support the school’s wellness initiative
  • Provide volunteers for a variety of school-sponsored events and student services
  • Help fund campus improvements