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Volunteering & Community Service

Volunteering & Community Service

LAHS has an abundance of student-lead clubs, offering ways to get involved in cause that matter to you and connect with your peers.
Are you looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity?
The Los Altos Volunteering Guide and volunteering external sites will help you find a service project that’s just right for you.
Be an LAHS Peer Tutor! Go to the Tutorial Center for more information.
Here is an example of questions you may want to ask when calling a service organization for more information:
“Hi, my name is (your name) and I am a student at Los Altos High School. I am interested in finding out about youth volunteer options. What does your organization do and what services do you provide? What type of work will I be doing as a volunteer?  Is there a training session I need to attend before I volunteer? Are there any specific hours and days when volunteers are needed most? Do I need to commit to volunteering for a certain length of time?”
Don’t be afraid to ask any questions about the organization – you want to make sure it’s a good match for you and a project that interests you.
Get verification of your service hours by the organization and save the paperwork for a classroom requirement, scholarship requirement and/or college applications.

Career Exploration Resource 

In addition to the information and resources available to you in Naviance
Here is a resource with 10 industry sectors & presentations for each. 
Health, Information and Computer Technology/Digital Media (ICT), Advanced Manufacturing, Advanced Transportation and Logistics, Agriculture, Water, and Environmental Technologies, Business & Entrepreneurship, Energy, Construction & Utilities, Life Sciences/Biotech, Retail/Hospitality/Tourism.
Summer Programs

Summer Programs

The programs listed below are a sample of what is available.  LAHS is not endorsing any program. Students should not feel they will be at a disadvantage if they do not participate in a summer program. Students are encouraged to engage in something meaningful every summer.
Some programs are only available to students with financial need, others offer scholarships or need-based aid.
Most colleges and universities will offer some type of summer programming for high school students.  You can search by campuses of interest or search for high school summer programs by area of interest and see what results come up for you! Some are free, some require tuition, you can inquire about financial aid options.

STEM-Technology, Engineering, Biology


Architecture, Business, Leadership, Outdoors, Writing