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Join Site Council -- Your Voice Matters!

Join Site Council -- Your Voice Matters!

What is Site Council?

The LAHS Site Council is a group of parents, teachers, students, administrators, and community members working together to shape the future of our school. We focus on setting goals for academic achievement, improving school climate, and ensuring that the voices of our diverse community are heard in important school decisions.
We invite you to join us! Your perspective is valuable, whether you’re a parent, student, or community member. The Site Council collaborates on the School Improvement Plan, helping to guide school priorities and manage resources to best support our students. By getting involved, you can make a direct impact on our school's success.
School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) (Link forthcoming)

Meeting Dates & Times

Meeting Dates:
September 24
December 17
February 11
April 29
Meeting Time:
Student Services Building, conference room 2B

Agendas & Notes