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Student Daily Organizers/Planners
The PTSA provides daily planners to all Freshman students.  We have received excellent feedback from previous Freshman students about how useful the planners are in keeping them on track with their many academic, athletic, and extracurricular commitments and in helping them adjust to high school.
Brought first to Los Altos High during the 2011-2012 academic year, is an internet-based plagiarism detection service. It gives students and teachers an opportunity to check their papers for unintended plagiarism. The PTSA has committed to financially support annual licensing fees as requested by the school English Department.

Writers Week
For more than 25 years the PTSA has sponsored this program that brings novelists, short story writers, journalists, poets and technical writers into English classrooms.  Students read samples of the writer's work and have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss "the life of a writer."  The Writers Week committee also selects a “community read” book and brings the author to Eagle Theater for an evening presentation for students, parents, staff and the community.

STEAM Week (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)
STEAM Week brings some of Silicon Valley's leading researchers, artists, medical professionals, and technologists to Los Altos High to discuss their work and life stories with students. They inspire students to explore a variety of careers related to math, science, art, engineering and technology.

PTSA funds technology, books, magazine subscriptions, and online databases.

Online Student Directory
Available with PTSA membership dues.

Staff Appreciation
PTSA members provide a welcome back breakfast, and in the spring, a thank you lunch to LAHS teachers.

Teacher Training
Provide financial support for teacher training events.

Wholistic Teacher Award
Each spring LAHS students and parents are invited to nominate the teacher(s) that inspire students both inside and outside the classroom. These teachers not only challenge and motivate their students in the classroom environment but they show an interested in their students’ activities and lives outside of class. The Wholistic Teacher Award is announced and presented just before the end of the school year.

Emergency Preparation          
Supplies water bottles each year for emergency use.

Go Green Committee 
Supports the efforts to keep LAHS a Green Certified campus.

Freshman Orientation
PTSA funds the lunch in August for freshman and new students.

Graduation Reception
Seniors and their families enjoy refreshments after the graduation ceremony.

The Talon Magazine
To expand the types of literary products available on campus and to expand the journalistic learning experience of students, the students newspaper, The Talon, publishes a magazine each spring. The PTSA helps underwrite the production cost to produce the magazine.