- Parents/Students
School Rules
Students are expected to be courteous, responsible, and to obey all school/district rules. The following is an abbreviated list of school rules:
Audio/Electronic Devices (radios, beepers, pagers, etc.)
Audio/Electronic Devices (radios, beepers, pagers, etc.)![]()
Audio/Electronic Devices (radios, beepers, pagers, etc.)
Students are not allowed to bring walkie-talkies, pagers, CD players, or Walkmans to school. Portable and Walkman-type radios are not allowed on campus because they distract from the educational process. Use of any of these devices during the school day will result in confiscation until the end of the school year.
Disruption of class is unacceptable. Disruptive, insubordinate, or rude behavior is not permitted at any time and may result in suspension.
Students electing to ride bicycles to school are required to observe the following rules:
- Walk bicycles on campus.
- Provide individual lock and chain
- Lock them in the bike cage or on a bicycle rack.
- Bicycles locked to trees or poles will be removed.
LAHS assumes no liability in case of theft or vandalism.
Books/School-Issued Materials
Books/School-Issued Materials![]()
Books/School-Issued Materials
Required textbooks and/or other materials will be issued to students before school according to the textbook check- out schedule. Students are responsible for the care and condition of the textbooks/ clothing/equipment assigned. If any item is lost or stolen, the student will be required to pay the replacement cost. If damaged, charges will be assessed. Students with outstanding obligations will not receive schedules at the beginning of the year and they will not be eligible for extra curricular activities (e.g. dances). Students must turn in their books at the end of the second semester finals to clear their accounts.
Dance Regulations
Dance Regulations![]()
Dance Regulations
Dances are open only to current LAHS students. If a student wishes to invite a guest, a guest pass must be completed. Guest passes are available in the bookkeeper’s office. If students leave the dance, they may not return to the dance. We are committed to providing a safe and drug-free environment at our school dances, and will continue to use the Breathalyzer at dances.
Disciplinary Actions
Disciplinary Actions![]()
Disciplinary Actions
Any student who disrupts instruction may be suspended by his/her teacher from that class for the day of the suspension and the next day. Continued disruption of class may lead to suspension from school by the administration. Certain acts are considered serious enough that the student may be suspended from school immediately, the police may be involved, and expulsion may result.
When disciplinary action is taken and the student is suspended from school, the student may not participate in or observe school activities for the duration of the suspension. In addition to suspension from school, the following actions may be taken by the administration:
- Work on campus
- Detention before or after school
- Monetary reimbursement for willful acts such as theft, vandalism, or damage to property.
Behaviors Leading to School Suspension and Possible School Expulsion
These acts are considered so serious that the student may be suspended from school immediately; the police may be involved and expulsion may result:
- Fighting causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person.
- Possession using, providing, selling, or being under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or controlled substance or intoxicant.
- Causing or attempting to cause damage to school or private property.
- Stealing, attempting to steal, or receiving stolen school or private property.
- Possession or use of tobacco or product containing tobacco or nicotine.
- Committing obscene acts or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
- Possessing, offering, arranging or negotiating to sell any drug paraphernalia.
- Disruption of school activities, disrespect/defiance of valid authority of school personnel in the performance of their duties.
- Sexual harassment.
- Hate violence.
- Harassment, retaliation or intimidation of a witness.
- Terroristic threats.
- Hostile educational environment.
- Gang related activity.
- Harassment, threats or intimidation.
- Possession of an imitation firearm.
- Possession of an electronic signaling device.
drug & alcohol policies
drug & alcohol policies![]()
drug & alcohol policies
One of the major responsibilities of Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School District is to protect the health and safety of students in its charge. The position of the district is that the use and abuse of controlled substances, commonly called drugs and alcohol, are not only against the law, but harmful to the individual, fellow students, the school community, and eventually to society.
The district subscribes to and supports the state and national program for drug-free schools. It is the district's intent to keep its schools free of the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol and from the harmful effects that such substances have on the lives of students. In those instances when use and abuse do occur, the schools will take the prescribed disciplinary action. Concurrently, assistance will be offered to students and parents through intervention programs.
The district subscribes to and supports the state and national program for drug-free schools. It is the district's intent to keep its schools free of the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol and from the harmful effects that such substances have on the lives of students. In those instances when use and abuse do occur, the schools will take the prescribed disciplinary action. Concurrently, assistance will be offered to students and parents through intervention programs.
Co-curricular activities include, but are not limited to, interscholastic athletes, rally committee, school music groups, drama and dance performance, elected positions (ASB, class officers, etc.) and other activities in which students are representing the school as an
organized group. Students in these activities are defined as going to and from school, while on campus, during brunch or lunch whether on or off campus, school activities on or off campus, and going to or coming from these activities.
organized group. Students in these activities are defined as going to and from school, while on campus, during brunch or lunch whether on or off campus, school activities on or off campus, and going to or coming from these activities.
The purposes of the Co-curricular Drug and Alcohol Policy are to provide participants with a healthy, safe environment to assist them in obeying the law; to encourage them to take responsible, effective control of their lives; and to take steps to promote, enhance and
maintain a drug-free co-curricular program.
maintain a drug-free co-curricular program.
Students participating in co-curricular activities shall not use, possess, or be under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Prior to participating in a co-curricular activity, students shall sign an agreement to be drug and alcohol free. The parents or guardians will also sign, indicating that both the student and the parent understand the policy and that they accept the consequences, if it is violated. The school will be responsible for the application and enforcement of this policy while the student is at school, at school activities and at other times when the school authorities are informed of and can substantiate violations. In each case, an appropriate follow up shall be made.
Participants in co-curricular activities who violate the drug and alcohol policy will be subject to co-curricular disciplinary action in addition to action delineated by existing district policies - Education Code 51260:
Possession or Use of Alcohol or Illegal drugs
When any student uses or possesses alcohol or illegal drugs at school or while under school jurisdiction, the following shall result:
Possession or Use of Alcohol or Illegal drugs
When any student uses or possesses alcohol or illegal drugs at school or while under school jurisdiction, the following shall result:
- Parent Guardian Contact.
- One - to five-day suspension.
- Referred to law enforcement authority within one school day of the suspension.
- Restriction from school activities.
In addition, the following action may be taken:
- Recommendation of expulsion.
- Referral to an appropriate community counseling program with the expectation that at least one counseling session will be held during the time of suspension.
- Transfer/Alternative Placement.
FIRST OFFENSE: The student will be suspended from the team or activity for one contest or one week. The student and the parent(s) will meet with the coach, or director and the Assistant Principal/Attendance and Discipline, if necessary, to determine the conditions of reinstatement. Enrollment and participation in an approved intervention counseling or education program may be accepted as an alternative to suspension. In this case, a time schedule for attendance and completion will be agreed upon. Responsibility for submitting verification of participation rests with the student. Failure to comply will result in reinstatement of the suspension for at least twice the original time.
SECOND OFFENSE: Any second offense will result in suspension from the team for the remainder of the season for athletes or the semester for those in other activities. A student who is suspended for a season or semester under this policy may not participate again in co-curricular activities until she/he completes a substance abuse program as outlined in the First Offense. Any subsequent offense will require a conference, including the student, the parent, the advisor/coach and a school, to establish a program of appropriate action.
SELF-REFERRAL: Students who voluntarily self-refer to the school's intervention program will not be suspended from participation in their activity unless otherwise determined by the conference required in the First Offense.
VERIFICATION OF VIOLATION: Rumors cannot be a basis for restricting student participation unless they are discussed with the student and substantiated by the coach and/or advisors and administration.
SECOND OFFENSE: Any second offense will result in suspension from the team for the remainder of the season for athletes or the semester for those in other activities. A student who is suspended for a season or semester under this policy may not participate again in co-curricular activities until she/he completes a substance abuse program as outlined in the First Offense. Any subsequent offense will require a conference, including the student, the parent, the advisor/coach and a school, to establish a program of appropriate action.
SELF-REFERRAL: Students who voluntarily self-refer to the school's intervention program will not be suspended from participation in their activity unless otherwise determined by the conference required in the First Offense.
VERIFICATION OF VIOLATION: Rumors cannot be a basis for restricting student participation unless they are discussed with the student and substantiated by the coach and/or advisors and administration.
Drug-Free Schools
Drug-Free Schools![]()
Drug-Free Schools
Through the cooperation between Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School District and the Mountain View and Los Altos Police Departments, we are committed to combating substance use and abuse among young people in our community. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life in our community and to promote awareness and education between adults and young people. As a result of the understanding between the police departments and the school district, school officials and police officers are required to take action in any case involving substance use on or near campuses or at school functions. Depending upon the frequency of violations, the following may occur:
Suspension from school
- Notification of the local police department
- Suspension or expulsion from co-curricular activities
- Community service
- Referral to a social service agency to complete a substance abuse program
- And/or expulsion from school
food in class
food in class![]()
food in class
Eating and/or drinking are not allowed in the library, offices, gymnasiums, or classrooms without teacher permission and supervision.
Any graffiti or tagging that leaves damage on a surface or object resulting in a need to be replaced, sandblasted, painted, chemically treated, or otherwise removed in order to restore the surface to its previous condition, regardless of the cost or the damage, will be subject to the following disciplinary consequences:
First Offense: Three to five day suspension, five hours of school/community service, and/or consideration for expulsion depending on severity and referral to law enforcement.
Second Offense: Five-day suspension, alternative placement at another site or expulsion from the district and consideration for referral to law enforcement.
First Offense: Three to five day suspension, five hours of school/community service, and/or consideration for expulsion depending on severity and referral to law enforcement.
Second Offense: Five-day suspension, alternative placement at another site or expulsion from the district and consideration for referral to law enforcement.
LAHS Cell Phone Policy
LAHS Cell Phone Policy![]()
LAHS Cell Phone Policy
Having a cell phone on campus is a privilege not a right. Therefore, any misuse of a cell phone may cause the phone to be taken away from the student. If a phone is taken away from a student, it will be turned in to the attendance office and the student’s Assistant Principal will be notified. The first time a student’s cell phone is taken away, students will receive a warning and they may bring a parent in to the office to retrieve their phone after school. On the second offense, the cell phone will be held until the end of the school year. Cell phones must be turned off during “class time” (7:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.). Students may use their cell phones before and after school and during brunch and lunch. The school is NOT responsible for the loss of a cell phone. Students are responsible for their personal property.
School officials have the right to open and inspect any school locker without student permission when there is reasonable suspicion that a search will disclose evidence of illegal possessions or activity, or if students’ health, welfare or safety is in jeopardy.
LAHS assumes no liability in case of theft or vandalism.
Mandatory Expulsion
Mandatory Expulsion![]()
Mandatory Expulsion
The following acts make a recommendation for expulsion from the school district mandatory:
- Possessing, selling, furnishing a firearm.
- Brandishing a knife or weapon.
- Selling a controlled substance.
- Committing or attempting to commit sexual assault or battery.
The acts listed below require a recommendation for expulsion, unless the principal deems that special circumstances render the recommendation inappropriate:
- Causing serious physical injury.
- Possession of any knife, explosive or other dangerous object.
- Unlawful possession of any controlled substance.
- Robbery or extortion.
- Assault or battery.
Student Violence & Reporting Requirements
The school will not tolerate student threats, acts of violence, or jokes of violence. The welfare of our students requires that the school be notified immediately of potential security risks. You must immediately notify your principal, teacher of other school employee:
When a person is acting in a suspicious manner in or around the school.
When you know, suspect, or have heard that an individual has a weapon or dangerous object at school.
When you know, suspect, or have heard of any violent or potentially violent incidents, threats, jokes of threats or violence, or concerns of a risk for violence or other disturbance.
When you believe the school is otherwise not secure or safe.The school will investigate and discipline students who breach this policy, up to and including suspension and/orexpulsion. A student’s failure to report any possible risk will be viewed as a defiance of the school’s valid authority under education Code 48900(k) and will result in student discipline against the student who failed to report, including but not limited to, suspension, expulsion, and/or police referral as a possible accomplice.
Off-Limit Areas
Off-Limit Areas![]()
Off-Limit Areas
These areas include all parking lots. Students are not to congregate or loiter around classrooms or other areas when classes are in session.
Sex Education
Sex Education![]()
Sex Education
Issues dealing with sex education, venereal disease and AIDS are included in appropriate courses and AIDS Awareness Week. Upon written request, your student shall be excused from these activities when these topics are discussed. All written and audio-visual materials to be used in these courses are available for you to review (EC 51550, 51820).
Skateboards, Roller Skates/Blades, and Mopeds
Skateboards, Roller Skates/Blades, and Mopeds![]()
Skateboards, Roller Skates/Blades, and Mopeds
Riding skateboards, roller skates/blades, and/or mopeds is prohibited on school grounds. LAHS assumes no liability in case of theft or vandalism.
Student Activities Transportation
Student Activities Transportation![]()
Student Activities Transportation
The district has a $100.00 extracurricular participation contribution for each program that requires bus transportation. This $100.00 contribution must be paid prior to participation in all sports and performances (i.e. band), which require transportation. This fee becomes part of the annual bill clearance process for students involved in such designated programs.
If a student is unable to pay the contribution, the family may submit a confidential fee waiver form to the principal. Each request must include a statement of need that will be reviewed by the principal. Fee waiver forms are available in the Athletic Office or in the Attendance Building.
Students are not allowed to ride with other students to or from any school-sponsored activity.
If a student is unable to pay the contribution, the family may submit a confidential fee waiver form to the principal. Each request must include a statement of need that will be reviewed by the principal. Fee waiver forms are available in the Athletic Office or in the Attendance Building.
Students are not allowed to ride with other students to or from any school-sponsored activity.
Thrown Objects (Frisbee, balls, etc.)
Thrown Objects (Frisbee, balls, etc.)![]()
Thrown Objects (Frisbee, balls, etc.)
No objects should be thrown in the quad or around any buildings where they may land on the roof, break windows or possibly injure someone.
Tobacco-Free Environment
Tobacco-Free Environment![]()
Tobacco-Free Environment
The school district is committed to a healthy and comfortable learning and working environment for students, staff and community members. Therefore, the Board of Trustees established a tobacco-free environment that prohibits the use of tobacco products on all school district property including school buildings, grounds, school-owned vehicles and at all school-sponsored events off campus.
Students are responsible for finding transportation to and from school. The district will provide a bus pass for the public transit system only to those students: (1) whose residences are two or more miles from the school of attendance, and (2) who qualify for the program based on household income. In order to participate in the program, a student must submit an application. Applications are available in the bookkeeper’s office. If you have questions regarding how to qualify for the bus pass, please contact the bookkeeper, Karen McHugh at 960–8828.
Monthly youth passes are for riders between the ages of 5 and 17 years and may be purchased at:
CVS/pharmacy, 1041 El Monte/El Camino Real. Check the store for availability.
Monthly youth passes are for riders between the ages of 5 and 17 years and may be purchased at:
CVS/pharmacy, 1041 El Monte/El Camino Real. Check the store for availability.