- Parents/Students
Attendance and Tardy Policy
Attendance Policy
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Attendance Policy
For an absence to be excused, a parent/guardian must call within 48 hours of the absence.
Attendance 24/7 650-941-2761 (English) -or- 650-353-9965 (Spanish) Attendance Office 650-960-8811 x2024 lahs.attendance@mvla.net
If a student accumulates 15+ unexcused absences:
Escalating Consequences for Unexcused Absences |
Attendance warning letter mailed home |
Phone call to parent/guardian to discuss absences |
Individual check-in w/ school counselor |
Group Check-in w/ Assistant Principal -and/or- Afterschool Detention & Accountability Program |
Parent and Student Meeting w/ Assistant Principal |
Meeting at District Office -and/or- Home Visit -and/or- Transfer to Alta Vista HS |
- Excused absences – Absences due to illness, health appointments, religious observances, death in the immediate family, jury duty, and school- sponsored and -initiated activities.
- Unexcused absences – Absences which happen for any reason other than the ones listed above, including leaving campus without parent approval. Students may not be entitled to make up assignments and tests for unexcused absences. Family vacations are not excused absences.
- Tardiness – Defined as absence from class from the time the bell rings until up to 30 minutes into a class period.
- Leaving During The Day – Students who must leave campus during the day to attend appointments must check out through the attendance office. Parents must call or go to the attendance office beforehand to excuse these early dismissals. If a student misses a class without signing out, the student will receive an unexcused absence. Students who become ill or injured while at school are required to go to the attendance office so parents can be notified. Families will be expected to make appropriate arrangements for the student to leave campus.
Tardy Policy
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Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be in their classes before the bell rings to start each period. Students who are late will be marked tardy by their teacher. Students who are marked tardy for 10 or more classes (combined), are required to serve lunch detention.