Academic Collaboration Time (ACT)
Tutorial is intended to be used to provide an opportunity for students and teachers to engage in meaningful activities outside of instructional time.
Activities may include:
- conferencing with teachers or peers
- study sessions
- making up tests
- labs or missed PE periods
- small group tutoring
- individual study time
- homework completion
- course specific enrichment activities, such as guest speakers
- small group sessions
- Teachers control their classroom environment.
- No more than 36 students
- Choice of quiet studying or more casual conversation
- Teachers should greet students at the door or stand in hallway
- Students should always sign in using the zappers.
- Once a student enters a classroom for Tutorial he/she may not leave. Students must arrive to a Tutorial classroom prepared to use the time effectively. Students should not expect to go to their locker or the restroom during Tutorial.
- Using the TeachMore app, teachers may make appointments with students during Tutorial. All staff will scan students as they enter the classroom and if a student has an appointment with another teacher they will be redirected.
- The Tutorial Center, College Career Center and Library will be open and available as much as possible for student use during Tutorial. Students will need to make an appointment using TeachMore to reserve a place in any of these areas.
- We will use a 45-minute schedule for schoolwide activities (like emergency drills, assemblies, ASB / Class Elections or other whole-school experiences) on days other than Tuesday so as to keep Tuesday Tutorials consistent.
- The Administration will establish and distribute a quarterly calendar indicating when Mondays will be changed to the Tuesday Tutorial Schedule to meet special schedule needs. If or when changes are made to Tuesday Tutorial time, every effort will be made to notify students and staff two weeks prior to the change. (See Tutorial Calendar)
- Other uses of Tutorial for optional or non-schoolwide activities:
- Class Meetings
- Homecoming Assembly
- Tech Tutorials
- Performing Arts Teasers
- Josten’s information for Sr
- Orientation/Welcome
- Guest speakers and other ticketed assemblies (STEAM)
- 9th Poetry Slam
(Consideration for how an activity gets Tutorial time status will be given through the Leadership Team.)
- Create a year long calendar with different experiences, speakers and activities for students who would like to be more active or do not have meaningful work to do. Activities might include:
- Guest Speaker Series
- Yoga
- Physical Activity
- Mindfulness/Meditation Activity
- Administrators and Student Conduct Liaison will monitor hallways and bathrooms to direct students to classrooms during Tutorial. If students are not in a classroom when the bell rings they will be escorted to a classroom immediately.
- Individual students who do not participate constructively in Tutorial may be disciplined.
- Possible consequences
- Warning for first offense
- Trash pick up for second offense
- Saturday School for third offense
- Tutorial Sweeps - Detention
- Possible consequences
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TeachMore 1: Scanning
TeachMore 1: Scanning![]()
TeachMore 2: Appointments