Welcome to Physical Education & Health

The Los Altos High School Physical Education Department aims to provide our students with the tools to participate in sports and fitness throughout their lives. We strive to:
- Improve students overall fitness
- Improve students social skills through cooperation, teamwork and sportsmanship
- Improve students athletic skills that are necessary in lifetime activities
- Improve students’ knowledge of the history, rules, strategy and terminology involved in lifetime activities
- Provide a positive, safe and enjoyable learning environment in which every student has the chance to succeed
Course Standards
Course Standards![]()
The LAHS Physical Education Department follows the California State Standards High School Course 1 and 2 curriculum guidelines. In course 1 we offer individual and dual sports as well as dance and aquatics. In course 2 we offer team sports, gymnastics and combatives.
Fitness Testing Requirements
Fitness Testing Requirements![]()
All ninth graders are required to participate in the California State Fitness Exam. The test is called the FITNESSGRAM and is made up of six different sections to measure our students overall fitness level.
It is the MVLA district policy that a student must pass 5 out of 6 of the sections in order to opt out of physical education class during their sophomore year and instead receive credit from their sport.
The LAHS Physical Education department has set fitness standards for all students enrolled in PE regardless of their year. Department fitness tests account for ten percent of the student’s grade.
Grading Policy
Grading Policy![]()
Attendance and Participation = 65%
Skills Testing = 15%
Fitness Testing = 10%
Knowledge of Rules, Terminology and Strategy = 10%
Make Up Policy
Make Up Policy![]()
It is the LAHS Physical Education Department policy that students do not receive participation points for any missed classes for any reason including:
- Illness
- Doctors/Dentist/Orthodontist appointments
- Athletic events including school sports
- Any other reasons
It is recommended that students make up absences to regain these lost points, (students should check their grade on SIS). This can be accomplished by attending a lunch make-up session Thursdays on the track.
Students are required to be there within the first five minutes of lunch and spend approximately fifteen minutes engaged in a workout designed by one of our teachers.
Students are not required to dress out in PE clothes for the make-up and will receive ten points credit for each make-up attended.
Students also have the opportunity to complete a written make-up. In order to take advantage of this option a student must have completed one fitness make-up for each written one turned in. This option is usually used when a student misses days at the end of a semester and for athletes who miss multiple classes due to sporting events.
Students should talk with their teacher about the requirements for any written assignments.
Medical Excuse Policy
Medical Excuse Policy![]()
Our department policy is that a student with a medical issue may be excused from participating for up to three days with a note from a parent.
If a student is requesting to be excused for more than three days a doctor’s note is required.
Doctor’s notes should state clearly what activities the student is able to participate in and what they are not. If we can assign them an appropriate activity they can receive at least partial participation points for the day.
Physical Education Uniform
Physical Education Uniform![]()
Students are required to wear the LAHS Physical Education uniform which may be purchased in the student store.
If a student is not dressed out for class they are still required to participate and receive 70% for the class.